Research Projects
Mapping soybean crops using Landsat 8 images
Using only four images, we are able to accurately map soybeans in a portion of Nebraska. We first download the imagery from Earth Explorer and apply a cloud mask to the images in QGIS. Then, we create false color composites using the Mid-Infrared, Near-Infrared, and Red bands. From those false color composites the hue values can be extracted, thresholded, and separated into soil, vegetation, and water. Using the soil during the planting phase of the crop and the vegetation from growing phase reveals vegetation which follows the crop phenology cycle of the crop in question. From there, band math experiments are done to differentiate the crop in question from other crops or vegetation with similar growth cycles. We compared the experimental mask to the Cropland Data Layer (CDL) data for soybeans in during the experimental year and obtained an accuracy of 0.94 over a region of interest. Normally this type of experiment is done in Google Earth Engine and can use hundreds of images.
Tools used
Based on work from

An agricultural drought severity index using quasi-climatological anomalies of remotely sensed data
Obtaining an agricultural drought index using solely remotely sensed products has numerous benefits over their in situ counter-parts such as if a country does not have the resources to implement an in situ ground network. One such index, created by Rhee et al. (2010), uses a combination of precipitation data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), with land-surface temperature (LST) data and vegetation indices (VIs) using data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to assess drought conditions. With TRMM data becoming no longer available (as of mid-2015), this study sought to test precipitation data from the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Morphing (CMORPH) Technique over the study period of January 2003–September 2014, in order to take the place of the TRMM data set in a drought severity index (DSI). This study also attempted to refine the methodology using the quasi-climatological anomalies (short-term climatological anomalies) of each parameter within the DSI. We validated the results of the DSI against in situ percentage available water (PAW) data from a soil water balance (SWB) model over the country of Uruguay. The results of the DSI correlated well with the PAW over the warmer months (October–March) of the year with average r-values ranging from 0.74 to 0.81, but underperformed during the colder months (April–September) with average r-values ranging from 0.38 to 0.50. This underperformance is due to the fact that precipitation during this season continues to have high variability, whereas PAW stays relatively constant. Spatially the DSI correlates well over the majority of the country with the possible exception of underperformance near the coastal area in the southeastern portion of the country. Ultimately, this research has the ability to aid Uruguay in better drought monitoring and mitigation practices as well as emergency aid resource allocation.
Creating an enhanced methodology for mapping burn scars by transforming false color composites to hue saturation value imagery
Fires associated with land use conversion activities such as agricultural expansion, palm and pulp plantations, peat land alteration, and industrial deforestation are significant in the country of Indonesia. The use of remotely sensed data to assess deforestation and carbon emissions over Indonesia is crucial in the monitoring of fires, as ground-based methods are not viable. Fires are currently mapped using data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors, but its spatial resolution (500 m) is not ideal for accurate mapping of burn scars in the region. Thus, researchers have sought to map burn scars at a higher spatial resolution. This study utilized Landsat to accomplish this task, given its spatial resolution of 30 m and tested a new methodology for identifying burn scars utilizing remotely sensed products over Central Kalimantan, Indonesia using scenes from Landsat’s Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+).
These scenes were used to assess a technique of transforming Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) color space to Hue, Saturation, and Value (HSV) space to decouple the hue from the saturation and value. When this technique was applied to a mid-infrared (MIR), near-infrared (NIR), and red false color composite, it enhanced the discrimination between vegetation, soil, and water – distinguishing burn scars from their surroundings. A hue value range for burn scars was determined; however, clouds were a limiting factor in the analysis. The approach was a good first step in reducing the amount of information one must sift through to isolate burn scars; however, more work is needed to improve this technique and develop a more automated approach for their detection.
Deconstructing a drought severity index based on NASA EO for better end-user assessment of the driving factors behind local scale drought
The importance of monitoring drought is indispensable for countries whose economic viability is strongly tied to agriculture. Droughts are a major concern for the country of Uruguay, affecting their agricultural and energy sectors. Developing an accurate and reliable remotely sensed drought-monitoring tool can aid government agencies in disseminating drought information to local stakeholders will be helpful in sustaining these important economic sectors. This study is built on the Drought Severity Index (DSI) from previous terms by modifying the scaling method within the model as well as adding a ternary diagram showing the values of each of the parameters within the DSI. The DSI itself is based off of methodology from Rhee et al. (2010), which uses the climatological anomalies of NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) daytime land surface temperature (LST) data, precipitation data from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center's Morphing Technique (CMORPH), and MODIS Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) data. This modified DSI as well as the parameter ternary diagrams have the potential to aid the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA) and the Ministry of Agriculture in informing land managers, insurance providers, and policy makers in drought preparation and mitigation practices.
Basic Mapping Projects
Estimated median household income for the continental US
This map used data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 'Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2022 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)' as part of the American Community Survey in 2022. The data was scrubbed and preprocessed in order to work with administrative region data from geoBoundaries. These kinds of maps can more easily illustrate income disparities between rural and urban areas in the U.S. and highlights significant economic divides, with urban regions typically showing higher incomes compared to rural ones. This map can also provide insights into the distribution of wealth, identifying regions that may require economic development initiatives, and can be used to correlate income levels with other factors such as education, healthcare access, and employment opportunities. Additionally, it can guide policymakers in addressing economic inequalities and planning resource allocation.
Tools used
QGIS, QGIS2Web, GitHub, Numbers